Saturday, August 27, 1977

Survey Shows New Yorkers Link Looting to Thievery, Not Protest

New Yorkers strongly condemned the looting during last month’s blackout as common thievery, rather than a protest against ghetto living conditions. Residents also favor a call-up of the National Guard in any future blackout, but overwhelmingly reject and “shoot to kill” orders to the police or guardsmen in the event of looting.

Sixty percent of 2200 respondents to a NYT/CBS survey said that looters were “the kind of people who always steal if they think they can get away with it.” 66% said “it was a chance to get even with storekeepers in their area.” 74% said the reason people stole was not because they are “poor and needy.”

excerpt from Frank Lynn NYT 8/27/77

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