Thursday, November 10, 1977

Prostitutes From Midwest Vanish From 8th Avenue During Hunt by Visiting Police

“The pimps have pulled all the white girls from the Midwest off the streets,” a prostitute told the two Minn. policemen. “You ain’t going to find one of them tonight mister.”

On foot and riding in an unmarked New York police car, the two Min. policemen got their first intensive look at Midtown Manhattan’s sleazy “Minnesota Strip.”

“We realize all of the publicity about our visit might keep the streets clean for a few days.” The policemen flew home last night saying they would return soon without advance notice to resume looking for about 400 girls who they believe are recruited every year in Minn. by New York-based pimps.

Covenant House received calls from terrified young women who had heard about the offer to return home. But they also received threatening calls from pimps who said, “Tell those rednecks from Minneapolis that they won’t take a girl home alive,” Father Bruce Ritter of Covenant House said.

NYT 11/10/77

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