Thursday, April 14, 1977

Gun Group Offers a $200 Reward To Victims Who Kill Assailants

A federation of 135 pistol and rifle clubs in New York with 5000 members is offering $200 to any victim of a robbery or assault who shoots and kills his attacker, the president of the organization said last night.

“The object, obviously, is to encourage citizens who are properly licensed to carry firearms to defend themselves because of the complete breakdown of the criminal justice system in New York,” said Jerry Preiser the 42-year-old president of the Federation of Greater New York Pistol and Rifle Clubs.

Mr. Preiser, a manufacturer of girls clothing who carries a .45 automatic, said three businessmen who had killed assailants in the city in the last week would receive checks for $200 and scrolls of commendation at a ceremony Friday afternoon at 2 Penn Plaza.

Police Commissioner Michael J Codd said he was “appalled.” “These people are looking for trouble,” he said.

“This is dangerous to the people who are doing the shooting and dangerous to bystanders,” he continued. “Our experience has shown that untrained civilians lose half the gun battles they get into.”

“I don’t think people are going to be running out to qualify for the reward. I don’t see people running to shoot somebody for $200. What I’m trying to do is encourage the right to self-defense.”

The situation is New York these days, Mr. Prieser said boils down to three choices for the law-abiding citizen.

“You can abandon the city to the hoodlums,” he said. “You can abjectly accept the assault or death, hoping things will get better, or, the choice which we think is the best choice, you can recognize the fact that this is war – call it what it is, “war” – and fight back.

Joseph Treaster NYT 4/14/77

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