Monday, April 18, 1977


A note left behind by a psychopathic killer who struck again this weekend, murdering a young woman and her boyfriend, is rambling and “incoherent,” police sources said. But they indicated that the note seems to confirm links between the killer and a series of previous .44-caliber gun slayings.

They believe the same man is responsible for five murders and three other shootings in Queens and The Bronx, all done with a .44 caliber gun and involving young women with shoulder-length brown hair.

The shootings: a TV parallel

Two of the shootings by the psychopathic gunman stalking The Bronx and Queens came after two episodes of ABC TV’s Starsky and Hutch depicted women being gunned down in similar circumstances. But investigators believe the attacks were “merely coincidental” and dismiss the possibility the TV program was triggering the killer. The first episode in question aired last July 28 (the night before Donna Laurie was killed –

Excerpt from Al Sostchen April 18, 1977 New York Post

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