Friday, August 05, 1977

250 Policemen Volunteer to Hunt In Spare Time for Son of Sam

At least 250 police officers have volunteered to patrol sections of the city on their own time as part of the hunt for the .44-caliber revolver killer, Mayor Beame announced last night. The mayor commended the officers for “giving up their own free time without pay to assist in the largest manhunt in the city’s history.”

Tension over the .44-caliber killer led to a mob-like scene in the Sheepshead Bay section of Brooklyn yesterday when a group of shouting bar patrons attempted to attack a man in a yellow car who was being arrested for alleged possession of two guns. A passer-by witnessing the police disarm the man of a .38-caliber revolver and a .357 magnum ran into a nearby bar, Captain Walter’s and shouted that the police were arresting Son of Sam. The bar patrons swarmed outside and attempted to attack the prisoner who was hustled into a patrol car and quickly driven away.

Excerpt from John McQuiston Aug 5, 1977 New York Times

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